New Employee - Study Material
These three documents in this box - plus the company’s Export Compliance Manual, below - are required reading for all PSI employees. You must certify to having read them when you take the online ITAR/EAR test.
This ITAR/EAR Test Study Guide for New Employees is particularly useful for the test, which is both open-book and not time-limited.
Good luck!
This ITAR/EAR Test Study Guide for New Employees is particularly useful for the test, which is both open-book and not time-limited.
Good luck!
The Technology Control Plan (“TCP”) is found in the back of our Export Compliance Manual, but is also used separately for several purposes. The TCP is essentially a summary of the full Manual and is a useful study guide.
In addition to the above Study Guide (a mandatory reading), and the training slides, the documents below are also quite important. These include the company's Export Compliance Manual, which is the main compendium of written policy procedures, checklists and forms - to which all employees must adhere. The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”) is the main USG export rulebook governing defense articles. We have secured various types of export licenses, and with the major rewriting of the ITAR and EAR, we expect to migrate much of our future licensing to the umbrella of the Department of Commerce’s Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”). The "Professor Glum" article is a true cautionary tale that shows just how serious ignoring the ITAR (and other export rules) can be. The presentation Training Slides from your initial export briefing are also below for your convenience. Finally, you should understand that it's very easy to export something without crossing any international border, or even leaving the confines of, say, an PSI conference room.
The equally famous EAR
And this is our latest Export Administration Regulations ("EAR"), updated through May 1, 2023, and including the newest implemented Russian sanctions. There are double-asterisks inserted at some 1,134 important spots, including all 598 ECCNs. As with our electronic ITAR, you should read the page-after-cover for details on how to efficiently search the EAR and its Commerce Control List. You can download a copy of our internally hyperlinked e-EAR by clicking on the icon to the right. Contact us if it will not download, or generally with any questions.
And this is our latest Export Administration Regulations ("EAR"), updated through May 1, 2023, and including the newest implemented Russian sanctions. There are double-asterisks inserted at some 1,134 important spots, including all 598 ECCNs. As with our electronic ITAR, you should read the page-after-cover for details on how to efficiently search the EAR and its Commerce Control List. You can download a copy of our internally hyperlinked e-EAR by clicking on the icon to the right. Contact us if it will not download, or generally with any questions.

The famous ITAR
Our latest version of the International Traffic In Arms Regulations ("ITAR"), with updates included through Apr 4, 2023. This is in searchable PDF format. Annotated and automated for easier reading. See description of the annotations on the page just after the cover page.
You can download a copy of our internally hyperlinked e-ITAR by clicking on the icon to the right. Contact us if it will not download, or generally with any questions.
Professor Glum, in the Airport, with a Laptop
A real-life horror story to see how important it is both to us and to you personally to get smart about export control.
A real-life horror story to see how important it is both to us and to you personally to get smart about export control.
PSI Export Compliance Manual
This is the compendium of procedures, forms and checklists that govern the export-compliance system here at PSI.
This is the compendium of procedures, forms and checklists that govern the export-compliance system here at PSI.